This patch set focus on fix HostSystem - 01.enum to work with sblim base
provider installed and without. Once it's applied, I will start
to work on enumerate(), also a lot of tests have to be updated. Then I
will cook up follow patches to make the other tests pass for sblim base
provider installed.
Daisy (运国莲)
VSM Team, China Systems & Technology Labs (CSTL)
E-mail: yunguol(a)
TEL: (86)-21-60922403
Building 10, 399 Ke Yuan Rd, Pudong Shanghai, 201203
libvirt-cim-bounces(a) wrote on 2008-09-23 15:00:58:
Follow up patch will fix the behavior of the enumerate() function,
then update this patch sets
Signed-off-by: Guolian Yun <yunguol(a)>
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