Test Run Summary (Jul 02 2009): KVM on SLES11 with sfcb
by Deepti B Kalakeri
Test Run Summary (Jul 02 2009): KVM on with sfcb
libvirt: 0.4.6
Hypervisor: QEMU 0.9.1
CIMOM: sfcb sfcbd 1.3.2
Libvirt-cim revision: 914
Libvirt-cim changeset: 2f0fb9e5d523+
Cimtest revision: 709
Cimtest changeset: 479f287a17fd
FAIL : 6
SKIP : 9
PASS : 139
Total : 158
FAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: FAIL
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: FAIL
RASD - 07_parent_disk_pool.py: FAIL
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: FAIL
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 16_removeresource.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 06_remote_live_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 07_remote_offline_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 08_remote_restart_resume_migration.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
ERROR - System has defined domains; unable to run
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_pause_pause.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_pause_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error Unable to reboot domain: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot with return code 1
ERROR - Exception: Unable reboot dom 'cs_test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to reboot domain: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error State not supported with return code 7
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): State not supported
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
ERROR - Waited too long for define indication
ERROR - Waited too long for start indication
ERROR - Waited too long for destroy indication
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SettingsDefineCapabilities returned 16 RASD objects instead of 8 for NetworkPool/cimtest-networkpool
Class not found
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedAccessPoint - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedAccessPoint - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
KVMRedirectionSAP - 01_enum_KVMredSAP.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
ERROR - System has defined domains; unable to run
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: FAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error ResourceSettings Error: Invalid Network Type specified with return code 1
ERROR - Unable to define domain test_domain
InvokeMethod(DefineSystem): ResourceSettings Error: Invalid Network Type specified
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: PASS
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RASD - 05_disk_rasd_emu_type.py: PASS
RASD - 06_parent_net_pool.py: PASS
RASD - 07_parent_disk_pool.py: FAIL
07_parent_disk_pool.py:47: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
from sets import Set
ERROR - Exception details: Got 6 recs instead of 3
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: FAIL
ERROR - Exception in create_pool()
ERROR - Exception details: (1, u'*** Provider Virt_ResourcePoolConfigurationService(9745) exiting due to a SIGSEGV signal ')
ERROR - Error in networkpool creation
InvokeMethod(CreateChildResourcePool): *** Provider Virt_ResourcePoolConfigurationService(9745) exiting due to a SIGSEGV signal
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 08_CreateDiskResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 09_DeleteDiskPool.py: PASS
ServiceAccessBySAP - 01_forward.py: PASS
ServiceAccessBySAP - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ServiceAffectsElement - 01_forward.py: PASS
ServiceAffectsElement - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SettingsDefineCapabilities returned 16 ResourcePool objects instead of 8
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 16_removeresource.py: XFAIL
ERROR - 0 RASD insts for domain/mouse:ps2
No such instance (no device domain/mouse:ps2)
VirtualSystemManagementService - 17_removeresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 06_remote_live_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 07_remote_offline_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 08_remote_restart_resume_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 03_create_snapshot.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
Thanks and Regards,
Deepti B. Kalakeri
IBM Linux Technology Center
15 years, 2 months
[PATCH] [TEST] Fixing reporting.py to work for SLES
by Deepti B. Kalakeri
# HG changeset patch
# User Deepti B.Kalakeri <deeptik(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
# Date 1246528835 25200
# Node ID 75e1ba2b6c209dc1610f05c647df00232fd123a5
# Parent 479f287a17fd08e4e22ac37459393f6f8327315a
[TEST] Fixing reporting.py to work for SLES
Tested with KVM and current sources on SLES11.
Signed-off-by: Deepti B. Kalakeri <deeptik(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
diff -r 479f287a17fd -r 75e1ba2b6c20 suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/reporting.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/reporting.py Tue Jun 30 06:53:22 2009 -0700
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/reporting.py Thu Jul 02 03:00:35 2009 -0700
@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
def get_env_data(ip, virt):
- distro = get_cmd_val("cat /etc/issue | awk 'NR<=1'", ip)
+ distro = get_cmd_val("cat /etc/issue | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'NR<=1'", ip)
+ if 'SUSE' in distro:
+ distro = (distro.split('-'))[0].split('to')[1]
kernel_ver = get_cmd_val("uname -r", ip)
libvirt_ver, hyp_ver = get_libvirt_ver(ip)
15 years, 2 months
[PATCH] [TEST] Update get_exp_template_rasd_len() based on template RASD additions
by Kaitlin Rupert
# HG changeset patch
# User Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
# Date 1246477946 25200
# Node ID 857398f2e66069d7a8421c3229d821b8e82467ea
# Parent a8b01b9726bf386defc29540e33f81e0850ac3a6
[TEST] Update get_exp_template_rasd_len() based on template RASD additions
The providers now return template RASDs for both "bridge" and "network"
interface types. In addition to that, the providers now return template
DiskPoolRASDs for iSCSI pools
Signed-off-by: Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
diff -r a8b01b9726bf -r 857398f2e660 suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/rasd.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/rasd.py Wed Jul 01 11:23:00 2009 -0700
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/rasd.py Wed Jul 01 12:52:26 2009 -0700
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
exp_len = exp_base_num
if id == "DiskPool/0":
- pool_types = 5
+ pool_types = 6
return exp_base_num * pool_types
if virt == 'Xen' or virt == 'XenFV':
@@ -363,8 +363,9 @@
if rev >= net_rasd_template_changes:
dev_types = 2
+ net_types = 2
- return exp_base_num * dev_types
+ return exp_base_num * dev_types * net_types
def get_exp_template_rasd_len(virt, ip, id):
curr_cim_rev, changeset = get_provider_version(virt, ip)
15 years, 2 months
Test Run Summary (Jun 30 2009): KVM on Fedora release 11.90 (Rawhide) with sfcb
by Kaitlin Rupert
Test Run Summary (Jun 30 2009): KVM on Fedora release 11.90 (Rawhide) with sfcb
Distro: Fedora release 11.90 (Rawhide)
libvirt: 0.6.4
Hypervisor: QEMU 0.9.1
CIMOM: sfcb sfcbd 1.3.4preview
Libvirt-cim revision: 914
Libvirt-cim changeset: 2f0fb9e5d523
Cimtest revision: 709
Cimtest changeset: 479f287a17fd
FAIL : 8
SKIP : 7
PASS : 140
Total : 158
FAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: FAIL
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: FAIL
RASD - 07_parent_disk_pool.py: FAIL
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: FAIL
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: FAIL
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: FAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 16_removeresource.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 06_remote_live_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 07_remote_offline_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 08_remote_restart_resume_migration.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_pause_pause.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_pause_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error Unable to reboot domain: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot with return code 1
ERROR - Exception: Unable reboot dom 'cs_test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to reboot domain: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error State not supported with return code 7
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): State not supported
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
ERROR - Exception : Request Failed: 200
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/XenKvmLib/const.py", line 139, in do_try
File "01_created_indication.py", line 146, in main
sub_list, ind_names, dict = sub_ind(ip, virt)
File "01_created_indication.py", line 60, in sub_ind
sub.subscribe(dict['default_url'], dict['default_auth'])
File "/data/users/kaitlin/sandbox/cimtest/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/indication_tester.py", line 345, in subscribe
"CreateInstance", auth_hdr)
File "/data/users/kaitlin/sandbox/cimtest/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/indication_tester.py", line 330, in __do_cimpost
(resp.status, resp.reason))
Exception: Request Failed: 200
ERROR - None
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SettingsDefineCapabilities returned 16 RASD objects instead of 8 for NetworkPool/cimtest-networkpool
Class not found
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedAccessPoint - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedAccessPoint - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
KVMRedirectionSAP - 01_enum_KVMredSAP.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: FAIL
ERROR - Got CIM error ResourceSettings Error: Invalid Network Type specified with return code 1
ERROR - Unable to define domain test_domain
InvokeMethod(DefineSystem): ResourceSettings Error: Invalid Network Type specified
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: PASS
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RASD - 05_disk_rasd_emu_type.py: PASS
RASD - 06_parent_net_pool.py: PASS
RASD - 07_parent_disk_pool.py: FAIL
ERROR - Exception details: Got 6 recs instead of 3
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: FAIL
ERROR - Exception in create_pool()
ERROR - Exception details: (1, u'Pool with that name already exists')
ERROR - Error in networkpool creation
InvokeMethod(CreateChildResourcePool): Pool with that name already exists
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: FAIL
ERROR - Exception in create_pool()
ERROR - Exception details: (1, u'*** Provider Virt_ResourcePoolConfigurationService(16729) exiting due to a SIGSEGV signal ')
ERROR - Error in networkpool creation
InvokeMethod(CreateChildResourcePool): *** Provider Virt_ResourcePoolConfigurationService(16729) exiting due to a SIGSEGV signal
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 08_CreateDiskResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 09_DeleteDiskPool.py: PASS
ServiceAccessBySAP - 01_forward.py: PASS
ServiceAccessBySAP - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ServiceAffectsElement - 01_forward.py: PASS
ServiceAffectsElement - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SettingsDefineCapabilities returned 16 ResourcePool objects instead of 8
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: FAIL
ERROR - CIMError : (1, u'Unable to parse embedded object')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/XenKvmLib/const.py", line 139, in do_try
File "15_mod_system_settings.py", line 103, in main
ret = service.ModifySystemSettings(SystemSettings=vssd)
File "/data/users/kaitlin/sandbox/cimtest/lib/CimTest/CimExt.py", line 32, in __call__
return self.__invoker(self.__name, args)
File "/data/users/kaitlin/sandbox/cimtest/lib/CimTest/CimExt.py", line 44, in __invoke
return self.conn.InvokeMethod(method, self.inst, **params)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pywbem/cim_operations.py", line 801, in InvokeMethod
result = self.methodcall(MethodName, obj, **params)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pywbem/cim_operations.py", line 362, in methodcall
raise CIMError(code, tt[0][1]['DESCRIPTION'])
CIMError: (1, u'Unable to parse embedded object')
ERROR - None
InvokeMethod(ModifySystemSettings): Unable to parse embedded object
VirtualSystemManagementService - 16_removeresource.py: XFAIL
ERROR - 0 RASD insts for domain/mouse:ps2
No such instance (no device domain/mouse:ps2)
VirtualSystemManagementService - 17_removeresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 06_remote_live_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 07_remote_offline_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 08_remote_restart_resume_migration.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 03_create_snapshot.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
15 years, 2 months