Entering freeze for libvirt-8.3.0
by Jiri Denemark
I have just tagged v8.3.0-rc1 in the repository and pushed signed
tarballs and source RPMs to https://libvirt.org/sources/
Please give the release candidate some testing and in case you find a
serious issue which should have a fix in the upcoming release, feel
free to reply to this thread to make sure the issue is more visible.
If you have not done so yet, please update NEWS.rst to document any
significant change you made since the last release.
2 years, 10 months
Release of libvirt-8.2.0
by Jiri Denemark
The 8.2.0 release of both libvirt and libvirt-python is tagged and
signed tarballs and source RPMs are available at
Thanks everybody who helped with this release by sending patches,
reviewing, testing, or providing feedback. Your work is greatly
* New features
* qemu: Introduce ``manual`` disk snapshot mode
This new mode allows users to synchronize libvirt snapshots with snapshots
which need to be done outside of libvirt e.g. when 'vhost-user-blk' is used
to back the disk.
* Introduce memory allocation threads
When starting a QEMU guest, libvirt can now instruct QEMU to allocate
guest's memory in parallel. This may be handy when guest has large amounts
of memory.
* Improvements
* qemu: ``VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_TLS_DESTINATION`` now works with non-shared storage migration
The setting now also applies to the NBD connections for non-shared storage
migration allowing migration to proceed even when the user expects certificate
name not to match.
* qemu: Allow overrides of device properties via the qemu namespace
Users wishing to override or modify properties of devices configured by
libvirt can use the ``<qemu:deviceOverride>`` QEMU namespace element to
specify the overrides instead of relying on the argv passthrough of the
``-set`` qemu commandline option which no longer works with new qemu.
* qemu: Allow passing file descriptors to ``virsh qemu-monitor-command``
Passing FDs allows users wanting to experiment with qemu driven by libvirt
use commands like ``add-fd`` properly.
* libxl: Turn on user aliases
Users can now use so called user aliases for XEN domains.
* Implement support for FUSE3
The LXC driver uses fuse to overwrite some lines in ``/proc/meminfo``
inside containers so that they see correct amount of memory given to them.
The code was changed so that both ``fuse`` and ``fuse3`` are supported.
* Improve domain save/restore throughput
Code that's handling save or restore of QEMU domains was changed resulting
in better performance of I/O and thus shortening time needed for the operation.
* Bug fixes
* Both build and tests should now pass on Alpine Linux or any other
distribution with musl libc.
* virsh: Fix integer overflow in allocpages
On hosts which support hugepages larger than 1GiB ``virsh allocpages``
failed to accept them because of an integer overflow. This is now fixed.
* qemu: Fix segmentation fault in virDomainUndefineFlags
When a domain without any ``<loader/>`` was being undefined, libvirt has
crashed. This is now fixed.
* lxc: Fix unaligned reads of /proc/meminfo within a container
When /proc/meminfo was read in chunks smaller than the entire file, libvirt
would produce mangled output. While porting the code to FUSE3 this area was
reworked and the file can now be read with any granularity.
* qemu: Be less aggressive around cgroup_device_acl
A basic set of devices common to every domain can be set in ``qemu.conf``
via cgroup_device_acl knob. Devices from this set are allowed in CGroup and
created in domain private namespace for every domain. However, upon device
hotunplug it may have had happened that libvirt mistakenly denied a device
from this set and/or removed it from the namespace. For instance,
/dev/urandom was removed and denied in CGroup on RNG hotunplug.
* nodedev: trigger mdev device definition update on udev add and remove
When nodedev objects are added and removed mdev device definitions are
updated to report correct associated parent.
2 years, 11 months