> > > > ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: FAIL
> > > > ERROR - Exception: not enough arguments for
> > > string
> > > > Got indication: KVM_ComputerSystemCreatedIndication
> > > > ERROR - Received indication error: 256
> > > > ERROR - Exception: not enough arguments for
> > > string
> > > > Got indication: KVM_ComputerSystemCreatedIndication
> > > > ERROR - Received indication error: 256
> > > >
> >
> > This looks like the test case encountered some kind of error, but
it was
> > unable to print the error message because there weren't enough
> > to format the string.
> This fails when the test case wait for
> It passes if we only define a domain and check the indication,
> that is to say,
> we can get KVM_ComputerSystemCreatedIndication, and test case fails on
> KVM_ComputerSystemModifiedIndication although the domain started
> successfully.
What's happening is that the indication is properly delivered, but sfcb
is returning an error anyway. I see the following in the log:
Problem processing indication to
http://localhost:8000. sfcb rc: 4
Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) CURL error: 52 (Server
returned nothing (no headers, no data))
The test case captures the error and bails out.
> Here is part of log error, we can't get expected pid for
> KVM_ComputerSystemModifiedIndication.
> ERROR - Received indication error: 256
> ERROR - Exception: not enough arguments for format string
> Do you know why it is?
One more thing, it passes for Pegasus.
I think the problem has something to do with the CBDeliverIndication()
call in stdi_deliver() in libcmpiutil. But I'm not sure what the
problem is yet.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center