wbemain -ac KVM_ElementConformsToProfile
I dont see the
registered in the root#virt namespace on F9 machine with rpm
libvirt-cim, while the same is present in both the root#interop and
root#virt namespace on F9 machine with latest libvirt-cim sources.
This might be a bug in the rpm install - I'll take a look.
I tried copying the provider manually to the root#virt namespace and
restarted the cimserver, but I did not get any results even after that.
I dont know if this is proper way of registering the mof files in the
To register a mof file, you can do the following:
sudo cimmofl -uc -aEV -R$PEGASUS_REPO -n /root/virt <mof file>
Where PEGASUS_REPO is the location of your Pegasus repository (probably
However, the rpm should be doing this for you.
Although, the above wbemcli gives me expected o/p on the
F9 with rpm when the query includes the root/interop namespace,
While on the F9 with latest source I get o/p for query with root/virt
ECTP is a cross-namespace provider. For our implementation, that means
the ECTP mof is registered to both root/interop and root/virt. The
provider is also registered to both name spaces.
You said said the following query works for you with the F9 rpm:
wbemain -ac KVM_ElementConformsToProfile
That's a bug which been fixed in recent sources. You should see the
This query is asking for the associators for this reference in the
interop namespace. However, that instance doesn't exist in the interop
namespace - it should only exist in the virt namespace. To verify, you
can try the following query - it should also fail:
wbemcli gi
Could you please tell me the namespace and ECTP provider
Take a look at the ECTP registration file
(schema/ElementConformsToProfile.registration) and compare this with the
registration file for ComputerSystem (schema/ComputerSystem.registration).
>> ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: FAIL
> This one passed in individual run. The previous ElementConforms.04
> undefine fix doesn't help here. Might be some other unknown missing
> undefine.
Is the test failing because it cannot create the guest, or is it due to
some other issue?
>> NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: FAIL
> 'user' network type.
> [Known Issue]
>> ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: FAIL
> Binary rpm provider gives 2 results on the following query:
> wbemein
> "CIM:DSP1042-SystemVirtualization-1.0.0"
> "CIM:DSP1057-VirtualSystem-1.0.0a"
> Same wbemcli command gets 5 results on changeset-533 tree on another
> system.
> "CIM:DSP1042-SystemVirtualization-1.0.0"
> "CIM:DSP1057-VirtualSystem-1.0.0a"
> "CIM:DSP1059-GenericDeviceResourceVirtualization-1.0.0"
> "CIM:DSP1045-MemoryResourceVirtualization-1.0.0"
> "CIM:DSP1081-VirtualSystemMigration-1.0"
Yes this is correct.
> This leads to ReferencedProfile's 'ain' query gets only 2 results.
I did not see the ReferncedProfile query return any results.
since the ReferencedProfile is not present on the on an rpm libvirt-cim
based F9 machine and hence the ain query fails without any results.
>> ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: FAIL
> Same as ReferencedProfile.01
I think the ReferncedProfile was added with the changeset 500 and the
rpm contains the changes till 393, hence I think the ReferencedProfile
did not get registered on the machine.
Close - it's changeset 501.
Should we skip the above test cases for rpm based F9 ?
Yes - that's a good idea. You can check the changeset version, and skip
if it's lower than changeset 501.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center