> +
> + if (properties != NULL) {
> + const char *keys[] = {"InstanceID", NULL};
> + s = CMSetPropertyFilter(inst, properties, keys);
> + /* FIXME - in case of an error, should we continue
> on? */
> + if (s.rc != CMPI_RC_OK)
> + CU_DEBUG("Unable to set property filter: %d",
> s.rc);
> + }
That's a very good point to enable the provider interfaces for the
property filtering :). I think it makes sense to move this code into
get_typed_instance() of libxkutil, to avoid implementing these lines for
every provider. What's then only necessary is routing the properties
list through the interfaces. But you will now think ... and how about
the keys ? Well, that's an interesting thing. The CMPI 2.0 spec tells
the following about the keys:
CMPI 2.0 Spec; "The keyList argument shall be ignored by the MB; it is
here to maintain binary compatibility with previous specifications.
Providers should explicitly set the key names and values via the
CMPIInstanceMI.setObjectPath() function."
Translated I think this means, that we can ignore the keys by setting it
to NULL. Do you agree ?
I tried using NULL for the keys based on the same line from the CMPI
spec, but this crashed the provider. I might be missing something though.
You can also skip the check if a the properties filter is there, as NULL
is interpreted as "all properties accepted".
CMPI 2.0 Spec: "The propertyList argument defines the properties that
will be accepted by subsequent setProperty() operations. The
propertyList argument is an array of pointers to character strings,
terminated by a NULL pointer. A NULL value effectively means that all
properties will be accepted. A pointer to an empty list means that no
properties will be accepted."
Ah, good to know. I'll remove this check and rebase the patch on your
recent changes.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center