+def main():
+ options = main.options
+ status = FAIL
+ server = options.ip
+ virt = options.virt
+ # This check is required for libvirt-cim providers which do not have
+ # HostedAccessPoint changes in it and the HostedAccessPoint
+ # association is available with revision >= 782.
+ curr_cim_rev, changeset = get_provider_version(virt, server)
+ if curr_cim_rev < libvirtcim_hostedAccPnt_changes:
+ logger.info("'%s' provider not supported, hence skipping the tc
+ classname)
+ return SKIP
classname is not defined.
+ status, cxml = setup_env(options.ip, options.virt)
+ if status != PASS:
+ cxml.undefine(options.ip)
+ return status
+ try:
+ status, host_inst = get_host_info(server, virt)
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Failed to get host info.")
+ kvmrsap_inst, status = get_kvmrsap_inst(options.virt,
+ options.ip,
+ test_dom)
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Unable to fetch kvmrsap instance (domain: %s)",
+ test_dom)
+ if kvmrsap_inst is None:
+ raise Exception("No kvmrsap instance returned")
+ an = get_typed_class(options.virt, 'HostedAccessPoint')
+ kvm_ccn = kvmrsap_inst.CreationClassName
+ name = kvmrsap_inst.Name
+ sys_ccn = kvmrsap_inst.SystemCreationClassName
+ assoc_info = AssociatorNames(options.ip, an, kvm_ccn,
+ CreationClassName = kvm_ccn,
+ Name = kvmrsap_inst.Name,
+ SystemCreationClassName = sys_ccn,
+ SystemName = test_dom)
Use the SystemName of the kvmrsap_inst - it should be the same as
test_dom, but you want to pass the keys of the kvmrsap_inst.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center