Hi, I am trying to run some test and analysis while performing a wide live migration of a VM between two different network location. I use libvirt and qemu-kvm as hypervisor on Linux.

The live wide migration from A to B completes successfully, instead I can't achieve the reverse path, from B to A (and that is right what I am interested to). To perform the migration I run this command in virsh: "migrate --live --verbose uno qemu+ssh://root@ip.address/system"

Even if dramatically slow (i guess due to some network bottleneck) the migration starts correctly, but it gets stuck at 96% and after some minute it returns this error: "Migration: [ 96 %]error: operation failed: migration job: unexpectedly failed" without further details.

The libvirtd.log file in the source host says:
2013-05-07 11:01:18.739+0000: 9538: error : qemuMigrationUpdateJobStatus:945 : operation failed: migration job: unexpectedly failed

Apparently i can't find any clue of what is causing the error, do you have any idea/solution?

(I'm not sure if this is the appropriate mailing-list, maybe it was better the devs list?)

Thanks for your help