
I'm using libvirt/kvm with openstack. When vm has CPU stall, the instance can't be destroyed. I have asked the question on openstack user mailing list and received no answers in weeks.

Here is one example:

    # virsh destroy instance-00000085
    error: Failed to destroy domain instance-00000085
    error: Failed to terminate process 61222 with SIGKILL: Device or resource busy
    # lsof -p 61222
    # ps -f -p 61222
    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
    107      61222     1 68 Jan24 ?        9-23:06:19 [qemu-system-x86] <defunct>

The log in /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log:
    2014-02-08 03:21:31.597+0000: 2177: error : virProcessKillPainfully:315 : Failed to terminate process 61222 with SIGKILL: Device or resource busy

Restart libvirt-bin service did not solve the problem.

virsh shutdown/reboot just hang. Maybe that is because the CPU in vm is stalled.

I wonder if there is some way to destroy (or rebuild) dead instance without rebooting the hypervisor. Any suggestions is welcome.

The software I am running:
hypervisor os: ubuntu 12.04.3
hypervisor kernel: 3.8.0-35-generic
vm os: ubuntu 12.04
vm kernel: 3.2.0-56-virtual
openstack: havana
libvirt: 1.1.1-0ubuntu8~cloud2
