
I am trying to create a report across all my KVM hypervisors using libvirt API and I need some assistance in figuring out the right API calls. My report will contain the total available memory, CPU, disk across all hypervisors, versus the amount used by the virtual machines. This report will help figure out if we are running low on hypervisor disk, CPU or memory and if we need to add more.

I can't find the libvirt API call to get system info, such as total memory in the system, free memory, total disk space, available disk space, etc. There is virDomainInfo which shows memory total and free about a particular VM, I guess I can use active/inactive domain list and then use virDomainInfo on each of the VM's, but that does not give me hypervisor stats. I am wondering if I will have to enable SNMP and use that to get hypervisors stats.

I am creating this report remotely on a reporting machine which will connect to each hypervisor using the libvirt API using one of the remote libvirt connections available.
