I'm trying to create incremental backups that I could restore when necessary. All backups are being generated fine but I couldn't find a way to recreate an image using all or some of the backup files.
For example, my domain is called jammy and is running.
<disk name="vda" checkpoint="bitmap"/>
~# virsh backup-begin jammy jammy-backup.xml jammy-checkpoint.xml
* This command with these files generates backup file in /var/lib/libvirt/images appending the checkpoint timestamp in file name (jammy.qcow2 -> jammy.qcow2.TIMESTAMP).
~# virsh checkpoint-list jammy
Name Creation Time
1666006874 2022-10-17 08:41:14 -0300
~# ls -lh /var/lib/libvirt/images
-rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 2,6G out 18 14:38 jammy.qcow2
-rw------- 1 root root 1,5G out 17 08:41 jammy.qcow2.1666006874
If I create a new domain using jammy.qcow2.1666006874 as disk, everything works good.
Then, I've created some incremental backups.
~# virsh backup-begin jammy jammy-backup.xml jammy-checkpoint.xml
~# ls -lh /var/lib/libvirt/images
-rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 2,6G out 18 14:38 jammy.qcow2
-rw------- 1 root root 1,5G out 17 08:41 jammy.qcow2.1666006874
-rw------- 1 root root 247M out 17 14:42 jammy.qcow2.1666010735
At this point, if I need to restore the backup with checkpoint 1666010735, how can I create a new image using jammy.qcow2.1666010735 and jammy.qcow2.1666006874?
I would like to merge the incremental backup jammy.qcow2.1666010735 into the full backup jammy.qcow2.1666006874, to get a new image so I can create a new domain using it as disk. Am I doing it the right way?
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
libvirt 8.0.0-1ubuntu7.1
qemu 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.4
Thank you!
Jorge Luiz Corrêa
Embrapa Agricultura Digital
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