I am new  to Libvirt and Qemu.I have installed Libvirt 7.1.0 and qemu-kvm 4.2.0.
I configured and built libvirt based on instructions from
But when i tried to create a VM using virsh it shows the following error:
# virsh create /home/abc.xml
error: Failed to create domain from /home/abc.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=x86_64 domaintype=kvm

When i check the hypervisor capabilities ,it doest show qemu in guest domain type.
# virsh capabilities

    <arch name='x86_64'>
      <domain type='lxc'/>

    <arch name='i686'>
      <domain type='lxc'/>


I have restarted libvirt to get the qemu support,but  it is not shown in capabilities list.What will be the problem?
Thanks for the help in advance....