I'm running KVM on a standard
Debian Lenny host, and I seem to be hitting the problem identified
My symptom is that using rsync over SSH to transfer files into the
guest gets slower and slower, and then grinds to a halt, and the
machine becomes unreachable.
It seems that I should be using the virtio driver, but I can't seem to
make it load. The KVM guest has the virtio module, (a la find
/lib/modules -name \*virtio\*) but when I try to force it by setting
<model type="virtio"/> in the XML configuration, it seems to make
no difference.
I see that as per
http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html , "qemu -net
nic,model=? /dev/null" returns the following: "ne2k_isa i82551 i82557b
i82559er ne2k_pci pcnet rtl8139", but I have no qemu-kvm binary. Not
sure if that's a telling symptom or not.
Host kernel is
2.6.26-2-openvz-amd64, KVM version is 72+dfsg-5~lenny5, libvirt version
is 0.4.6-10, all of which look good enough to use virtio according to
http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Virtio .
Tony Lewis