here is the stacktrace:

org.libvirt.LibvirtException: invalid argument in cannot pin vcpus on an inactive domain
        at org.libvirt.ErrorHandler.processError(Unknown Source)
        at org.libvirt.Connect.processError(Unknown Source)
        at org.libvirt.Connect.storagePoolLookupByName(Unknown Source)
libvir: QEMU error : invalid argument in cannot pin vcpus on an inactive domain

from your stacktrace i could find out that you have printed the stacktrace in TestMultiThreadingLibvirtWithError  class. please do check the code i have pasted below for the second thread.

public class TestMultiThreadingLibvirtWithError implements Runnable
        Connect m_conn = null;
        public TestMultiThreadingLibvirtWithError(Connect conn)
                m_conn = conn;

        public void run() {

                        try {
                                Domain d = m_conn.domainLookupByName("afzaltestmachine");
                                VcpuInfo[] vcpuInfo = d.getVcpusInfo();

                        catch (Exception e)
                           //we are explicitly eating up the exception here and we know Exception is going to occur here.




please let me know if my you have more queries to my problem.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Matthias Bolte <> wrote:
Well, if the domain is not running then I get this exception with
libvirt 0.6.3 and libvirt-java 0.4.2:

org.libvirt.LibvirtException: invalid argument in cannot pin vcpus on
an inactive domain
       at org.libvirt.ErrorHandler.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Connect.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Domain.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Domain.getVcpusInfo(Unknown Source)

The error message is misleading and current git version gives this
exception when the domain is not running:

org.libvirt.LibvirtException: Requested operation is not valid: cannot
list vcpu pinning for an inactive domain
       at org.libvirt.ErrorHandler.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Connect.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Domain.processError(Unknown Source)
       at org.libvirt.Domain.getVcpusInfo(Unknown Source)

And that's perfectly valid, as the complete vCPU information is only
available when the domain is running, therefore the exception is
expected when you call getVcpusInfo on a non-running domain. Also this
has nothing to do with thread-safety.

If this isn't the exception you're referring to, then please show a
stacktrace of the exception you're seeing.


2010/9/3 Ravi Pawar <>:
> thank you for the reply and time you spend.
> your guest domain should not be running and then run my program without any
> will see an exception where you dont expect it to occur.
> libvirt : 0.6.3 and libvirt-java: 0.4.2 i am using. Please let me know if i
> miss to provide you any other details.
> On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:29 AM, Matthias Bolte
> <> wrote:
>> 2010/9/2 Ravi Pawar <>:
>> > please check the java file attached they throws the exception in case of
>> > passing.
>> > please let me know if i am missing something.
>> >
>> Can you explain in more detail what one should do to reproduce the
>> problem you seem to see with the attached code? Also you didn't
>> mention which versions of libvirt and libvirt-java you're using.
>> When I run you example code (with a guest name that exists in my setup
>> and libvirt and libvirt-java form current git head) I don't see any
>> exceptions. Even when I add e.printStackTrace() to the catch block of
>> TestMultiThreadingLibvirtWithError I don't see exceptions.
>> $ java -classpath
>> ./target/libvirt-0.4.6.jar:./ravi:/usr/share/java/jna.jar Test
>> start class 0
>> start class 1
>> start class 2
>> start class 3
>> start class 4
>> start class 5
>> start class 6
>> start class 7
>> start class 8
>> start class 9
>> So this works for me.
>> Matthias
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Ravi Pawar

Thanks & Regards

Ravi Pawar