1. I run a user domain like this:
[root@kvm1 ~]# qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 1G -smp 4 /images/test1.img
WARNING: Image format was not specified for '/images/test1.img' and probing guessed raw.
Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
VNC server running on ::1:5900
2. Then, I install and using my user domain.
3. Then, I login to libvirtd on my hosts,but can not get the user domain using list command.
[root@kvm1 ~]# virsh -c qemu:///system
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh #
virsh #
virsh # list
Id Name State
virsh #