
I would like to make filter that allows communication only between specified VMs. Those VMs should be specified by their MAC address. The filter should extend clean-traffic but I was not able to get it working with that reference. I have came up with modified clean-traffic which works fine [1]. Is there a way to achieve the same behavior with reference to clean-traffic?  

Thank you. 
Best wishes,
Ales Musil
<filter name='clean-traffic-gateway'>
<!-- An example of a traffic filter enforcing clean traffic
        from a VM by
      - preventing MAC spoofing -->
<filterref filter='no-mac-spoofing'/>
<!-- preventing IP spoofing on outgoing -->
<filterref filter='no-ip-spoofing'/>
<!-- preventing ARP spoofing/poisoning -->
  <filterref filter='no-arp-spoofing'/>
<!-- accept all other incoming and outgoing ARP traffic -->
  <rule action='accept' direction='inout' priority='-500'>
    <mac protocolid='arp'/>
<!-- accept traffic only from specified MAC address -->
<rule action='accept' direction='in'>
                <mac match='yes' srcmacaddr='$GATEWAY_MAC' 
srcmacmask='$GATEWAY_MAC_MASK' />
<!-- allow traffic only to specified MAC address -->
        <rule action='accept' direction='out'>
                <mac match='yes' dstmacaddr='$GATEWAY_MAC' 
dstmacmask='$GATEWAY_MAC_MASK' />
<!-- preventing any other traffic than between specified MACs 
and ARP -->
  <filterref filter='no-other-l2-traffic'/>

<!-- allow qemu to send a self-announce upon migration end -->
<filterref filter='qemu-announce-self'/>



INTERN - rhv network

Red Hat EMEA

amusil@redhat.com   IM: amusil