Hi all libvirt-users,

Is there a counterpart on Java of the function virDomainGetCPUStats that is based on C API? Because I am trying to create a program based on java to get the CPU usage of a Guest/Domain/VM in KVM using the Libvirt Java API.

Honestly, I am having a hard time in starting my program. I have no idea where to start. I mean, what functions do I need to get the CPU usage of the guest/domain in KVM? I know there are other options but I am avoiding in connecting to the VM through SSH and get the CPU usage. To make things easier to understand, I need to know how the Virtual Machine Manager in Linux is able to output a graph of the CPU usage of EACH VM.
I really need help. I have no idea where to start. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I'll try to post a screenshot of the graph later.

