On 09/10/2013 12:03 PM, Arun Viswanath wrote:Rather than trying to write your own RPC handler, have you considered
> Hi All,
> I'm need to simulate libvirt API's say to mock the libvirt API
> responses. (Actually I need to simulate qemu API's response). Because of my
> project needs I need to write this simulated libvirt server in Java. I
> believe the simulated libvirt can be written as java RPC which should
> capable to receive the client RPC request calls and by dispatcher we can
> dispatch to the simulated java functions. I searched for .x file to be used
> for generating server stubs but unfortunately .x files like
> "remote_protocol.x", "virnetprotocol.x", "qemu_protocol.x" and
> "lxc_monitor_protocol.x" are not containing any procedure for libvirt API's
> that exposed. Please let me know which files will have these exposed
> procedures and how can I use it in java,
using the existing libvirt-java bindings and just targetting the
test:/// URI connection? This will give you a fairly reliable exposure
to the libvirt APIs, without actually needing a working qemu.
The .x files implement the driver API; so also does the test driver.
Basically, src/libvirt.c is the public API, which then delegates to the
appropriate driver based on what URI you connected to; if the URI is
remote (as qemu:/// and all other stateful drivers are), then libvirt.so
passes it to src/remote/remote_driver.c to be bundled up into RPC calls
which mirror the semantics of the public API. If you want to install
your own mock driver, it may be easier to build a new URI and implement
the same C interface as the test driver (see src/test/test_driver.c)
than it is to implement your own RPC parser.
Again, instead of trying to write your own RPC server, I'd instead focus
> Also I'm not sure how to implement the ssl layer support for the
> libvirt server in java. I need to write a java server in such a way that
> python client should capable to create a connection with uri
> "qemu+tls://systemip:port?no_tty=1". Also with the created connection
> object it should able to call the libvirt API's like getCapabilities, etc.
on utilizing the existing test:/// driver as your point of mocked calls.
As this is mostly development-related, I've set the reply-to to
libvir-list (we can drop libvirt-users from the rest of this thread).
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org