Hi, I am in the process of migrating a system that was using KVM to VMWare Workstation.

The original code needs to list all the domains available on the local machine, no matter what their state is. The problem is that the shut off domains are not shown by the virsh commands on the VMWare Workstation system.

On the KVM system, with one shut off domain, I get this output:
maxpower@sw ~$ virsh list --all
 Id Name                 State
  - 00042-my-domain shut off

On the VMWare Workstation system, with one shut off domain, I get this output:
maxpower@sw2 ~ $ virsh -c vmwarews:///session list --all
 Id Name                 State

As soon as I power on the machine in VMWare, it appears in the output as running:
maxpower@sw2 ~ $ virsh -c vmwarews:///session list --all
 Id Name                 State
14063 my-domain-1      running

Is this a limitation of the Workstation driver? Is there a workaround of some sort that I haven't thought of? How can I get the entire domain list when using Workstation?

Thanks for your input,