ok,i would try it as your suggestion.
Thanks much!

Have a good day

> -----原始邮件-----
> 发件人: Michal Privoznik <mprivozn@redhat.com>
> 发送时间: 2018年4月26日 星期四
> 收件人: lizhuoyao <lizhuoyao@hikdata.com>
> 抄送: libvirt-users <libvirt-users@redhat.com>, shengyizju@163.com
> 主题: Re: [libvirt-users] how xml generated
> On 04/26/2018 10:46 AM, lizhuoyao wrote:
> > oh, there is much much much code,it's too too too hard for me.
> > 
> > So,,,,,can i ask more question:use virt-manager create a domain,but with a result of "unsupported configuration:the ioh3420 controller is not supported in this qemu".since it's arm64 platform,and ioh3420 is a intel device.right?Why produce a intel device in arm64 platform?
> I don't think there's a way to step into virt-manager's process of
> defining domains. However, you can use virt-install directly instead. It
> can just print the XML instead of defining it in libvirt. You can take
> this document, modify it and then 'virsh define ...' it.
> What you are seeing is a bug that is fixed already.
> > 
> > So, can i delete the ioh3420 only by changing the code?info: i use the libvirt-2.0.0,virt-manager create doamin succeed;when i update to libvirt-3.2.0,the issue above happened. qemu is 2.3.0
> Also I should point out that libvirt-2.0.0 is two years old release.
> Nearly. Upgrade if you can.
> Michal