hi libvirt team!!

i'have been trying to install a OS Guest in my Host(Centos 5.5 server with kernel 2.6.18-192 o 2.6.38) and i wasn't successfull. i have installed all the virtualization paquets of the Centos 5.5 installation, nothing more nothing less.

my server is without GUI. i want my servers without gui too. so i want text based installation

i enter the command bellow:

[root@fsystem ~]# virt-install -n JPII -r 1024 --disk path=/data/images/disk.img -l /data/dist_img/CentOS_5.2_Final.iso --nographics --extra-args "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" --network bridge:br0

so it enters installation mode (text based), but when i enter the menu of "Installation Method" i can't do nothing. the option of "Local Cdrom" it doesn't recognise any cdrom device, the option of "Hard DISK" it sees 3 partitionds hda,hdb&hdc that i don't have and so it doesn't recognise nothing, the options http, ftp & nfs-install more the same.

also if i change in the command -l for -c or --cdrom and then change the iso for the path of the cdrom device it doesn't even start the installation it prints Escape character ^] and it stucks there instead of entering the installation

if you need more information of paquets, versions i'm using you are welcome to ask.

thanks for all & you are my last hope!!!!


Ricard Santafé