Hi everyone:


In my libvirtd test env, there’s no auth when using virsh:


root@ubts2:~# virsh

Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.


Type:  'help' for help with commands

       'quit' to quit


virsh #

virsh #

virsh # list

Id   Name       State


26   3.ohost1   running

27   3.ohost2   running

28   3.ohost3   running


virsh #

virsh #

virsh #

virsh #




But, in oVirt env, there’s auth when using virsh:


[root@ohost1 ~]# virsh

Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.


Type:  'help' for help with commands

       'quit' to quit


virsh #

virsh #

virsh #

virsh #

virsh # list

Please enter your authentication name:



How can I enable auth in my libvirtd env just like oVirt ?

