
                I wanted to use perl Sys::Virt (which uses libvirt) to remotely connect KVM hypervisor. As a start I tried following simple script(KVM.pl) but I am getting following error.

First it will ask for authentication which I am providing to it manually then it fails. Do I need to do some configuration on KVM hypervisor before executing this script? Any help is appreciated.


bash-3.2$ perl KVM.pl

root@'s password:

Unable to open connection to qemu+ssh://root@ End of file while reading data: Warning: Perm: Input/output error8.132.125' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Can't call method "list_domains" on an undefined value at KVM.pl line 21.



bash-3.2$ cat KVM.pl


use strict;

use warnings;

use Sys::Virt;

use Data::Dump qw(dump);


my $user = "root";

my $host = <some_host>;


my $uri = "qemu+ssh://root\@$host/system?no_verify=1";


my $vmm;

eval {

  $vmm = Sys::Virt->new(uri => $uri, readonly => 1);


if ($@) {

    print "Unable to open connection to $uri: " . $@->message . "\n";



for my $dom ($vmm->list_domains, $vmm->list_defined_domains) {

  ## see perldoc Sys::Virt::Domain

  print "name: ", $dom->get_name, "\n";

  print "uuid: ", $dom->get_uuid_string(), "\n";

  ## $dom->get_info returns a hash reference

  dump $dom->get_info;

  print "\n";



