NPIV in libvirt NPIV (N_Port ID Virtualization) is a Fibre Channel technology to share a single physical Fibre Channel HBA with multiple virtual ports. Henceforth known as a "virtual port" or "virtual Host Bus Adapter" (vHBA), each virtual port is identified by its own WWPN (Word Wide Port Name) and WWNN (Word Wide Node Name). In the virtualization world the vHBA controls the LUNs for virtual machines. The libvirt implementation provides flexibility to configure the LUN's either directly to the virtual machine or as part of a storage pool which then can be configured for use on a virtual machine. NPIV support in libvirt was first added to libvirt 0.6.5; however, the following sections will primarily describe NPIV functionality as of the current libvirt release, 1.1.2. There will be a troubleshooting and prior version considerations section to describe some historical differences. 1) Discovery Discovery of HBA(s) capable of NPIV is provided through the virsh command 'virsh nodedev-list --cap vports'. If no HBA is returned, then the host configuration should be checked. The XML output from the command "virsh nodedev-dumpxml" will list fields , , and to be used in order to create a vHBA. Take care to also note the value as this lets you know if the HBA is going to exceed the maximum vHBA supported. The following output indicates a host that has two HBAs to support vHBA and the layout of a HBA's XML: # virsh nodedev-list --cap vports scsi_host4 scsi_host5 # virsh nodedev-dumpxml scsi_host5 scsi_host5 pci_0000_04_00_1 5 2001001b32a9da4e 2101001b32a9da4e 2001000dec9877c1 164 5 The "max_vports" value indicates there are a possible of 164 vports available for use in the HBA configuration. The "vports" value indicates the number of vports currently being used. Support for detection of HBA's capable of NPIV support prior to libvirt 1.0.4 is described in the "Troubleshooting" section. 2) Creation of a vHBA using the node device driver In order to create a vHBA using the node device driver, select an HBA with available "vport" space, use the HBA "" field as the "" field in the following XML: scsi_host5 Then create the vHBA with the command "virsh nodedev-create" (assuming above XML file is named "vhba.xml"): # virsh nodedev-create vhba.xml Node device scsi_host6 created from vhba.xml NOTE: If you specify "name" for the vHBA, then it will be ignored. The kernel will automatically pick the next SCSI host name in sequence not already used. The "wwpn" and "wwnn" values will be automatically generated by libvirt. In order to see the generated vHBA XML, use the command "virsh nodedev-dumpxml" as follows: # virsh nodedev-dumpxml scsi_host6 scsi_host6 scsi_host5 2001001b32a9da5e 2101001b32a9da5e This vHBA will only be defined as long the host is not rebooted. In order to create a persistent vHBA, one must use a libvirt storage pool (see next section). 3) Creation of vHBA by the storage pool By design, vHBAs managed by the node device driver are transient across host reboots. It is recommended to define a libvirt storage pool based on the vHBA in order to preserve the vHBA configuration. Using a storage pool has two primary advantage, first the libvirt code will find the LUN's path via simple virsh command output and second migration of virtual machine's requires only defining and starting a storage pool with the same vHBA name on the target machine if you use the LUN with libvirt storage pool and volume name in virtual machine config (see section 5). In order to create a persistent vHBA configuration create a libvirt 'scsi' storage pool using the XML as follows: poolvhba0 /dev/disk/by-path 0700 0 0 You must use the "type='scsi'" for the pool; The source adapter type must be "fc_host". Attributes "wwnn" and "wwpn" are provided as the unique identifier for the vHBA to be created. There is an optional attribute "parent" for source the adapter. It indicates the name of the HBA which you want to use to create the vHBA. Its value should be consistent with what node device driver dumps (e.g. scsi_host5). If it's not specified, libvirt will pick the first HBA capable of NPIV that has not exceeded the maximum vports it supports. NOTE: You can also create a scsi pool with source adapter type "fc_host" for a HBA, and in that case the attribute "parent" is not necessary. If you prefer to choose which parent HBA to use for your vHBA, then you must provide the parent, wwnn, and wwpn in the source adapter XML as follows: To define the persistent pool (assuming above XML is named as poolvhba0.xml): # virsh pool-define poolvhba0.xml NOTE: One must use pool-define to define the pool as persistent, since a pool created by pool-create is transient and it will disappear after a system reboot or a libvirtd restart. To start the pool: # virsh pool-start poolvhba0 To destroy the pool: # virsh pool-destroy poolvhba0 When starting the pool, libvirt will check if the vHBA with same "wwpn:wwpn" already exists. If it does not exist, a new vHBA with the provided "wwpn:wwnn" will be created. Correspondingly,when destroying the pool the vHBA is destroyed too. Finally, in order to ensure that subsequent reboots of your host will automatically define vHBA's for use in virtual machines, one must set the storage pool autostart feature as follows (assuming the name of the created pool was "poolvhba0"): # virsh pool-autostart poolvhba0 4) Finding LUNs on your vHBA 4.1) Utilizing LUN's from a vHBA created by the storage pool Assuming that a storage pool was created for a vHBA, use the command "virsh vol-list" command in order to generate a list of available LUN's on the vHBA, as follows: # virsh vol-list poolvhba0 --details Name Path --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit:0:2:0 /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:04:00.1-fc-0x203500a0b85ad1d7-lun-0 block The list of LUN names displayed will be available for use as disk volumes in virtual machine configurations. 4.2) Utilizing LUN's from a vHBA created using the node device driver Finding an available LUN from a vHBA created using the node device driver can be achieved either via use of the "virsh nodedev-list" command or through manual searching of the hosts system file system. Use the "virsh nodedev-list --tree | more" and find the parent HBA to which the vHBA was configured. The following example lists the pertinent part of the tree for the example HBA "scsi_host5": +- scsi_host5 | +- scsi_host7 +- scsi_target5_0_0 | | | +- scsi_5_0_0_0 | +- scsi_target5_0_1 | | | +- scsi_5_0_1_0 | +- scsi_target5_0_2 | | | +- scsi_5_0_2_0 | | | +- block_sdb_3600a0b80005adb0b0000ab2d4cae9254 | +- scsi_target5_0_3 | +- scsi_5_0_3_0 The "block_" indicates it's a block device, the "sdb_" is a convention to signify the the short device path of "/dev/sdb", and the short device path or the number can be used to search the "/dev/disk/by-{id,path,uuid,label}/" name space for the specific LUN by name, for example: # ls /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep 3600a0b80005adb0b0000ab2d4cae9254 scsi-3600a0b80005adb0b0000ab2d4cae9254 # ls /dev/disk/by-path/ -l | grep sdb lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Sep 16 05:58 pci-0000:04:00.1-fc-0x203500a0b85ad1d7-lun-0 -> ../../sdb As an option to using "virsh nodedev-list", it is possible to manually iterate through the "/sys/bus/scsi/device" and "/dev/disk/by-path" directory trees in order to find a LUN using the following steps: 1. Iterate over all the directories beginning with the SCSI host number of the vHBA under the "/sys/bus/scsi/devices" tree. For example, if the SCSI host number is 6, the command would be: # ls /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:* -d /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:0:0 /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:1:0 /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:2:0 /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:3:0 2. List the "block" names of all the entries belongs to the SCSI host as follows: # ls /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:*/block/ /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:2:0/block/: sdc /sys/bus/scsi/devices/6:0:3:0/block/: sdd This indicates that "scsi_host6" has two LUNs, one is attached to "6:0:2:0", with the short device name "sdc", and the other is attached to "6:0:3:0", with the short device name "sdd". 3. Determine the stable path to the LUN. Unfortunately a device name such as "sdc" is not stable enough for use by libvirt. In order to get the stable path, use the "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path" and look for the "sdc" path: # ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/ | grep sdc lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Sep 10 22:28 pci-0000:08:00.1-fc-0x205800a4085a3127-lun-0 -> ../../sdc Thus "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:08:00.1-fc-0x205800a4085a3127-lun-0" is the stable path of the LUN attached to address "6:0:2:0" and will be used in virtual machine configurations. 5) Virtual machine configuration change to use vHBA LUN Adding the vHBA LUN to the virtual machine configuration is done via an XML modification to the virtual machine. 5.1) Using a LUN from a vHBA created by the storage pool Adding the vHBA LUN to the virtual machine is handled via XML to create a disk volume on the virtual machine with the following example XML: In particular note the usage of the "" directive with the "pool" and "volume" attributes listing the storage pool and the short volume name. 5.2) Using a LUN from a vHBA created using the node device driver Configuring a vHBA on the virtual machine can be done with its stable path (path of {by-id|by-path|by-uuid|by-label}). The following is an XML example of a direct LUN path: NOTE: The use of "device='disk'" and the long "" device name. The example uses the "by-path" option. The backslashes prior to the colons are required, since colons can be considered as delimiters. 5.3) To configure the LUN as a pass-through device, use the following XML examples. For a vHBA created using the node device driver: NOTE: The use of "device='lun'" and again the long "" device name. Again, the backslashes prior to the colons are required. For a vHBA created by a storage pool: Although it is possible to use the LUN's path as the disk source for a vHBA created by the storage pool, it is recommended to use libvirt storage pool and storage volume instead. 6) Destroying a vHBA A vHBA created by the storage pool can be destroyed by the virsh command "pool-destroy", for example: # virsh pool-destroy poolvhba0 NOTE: If the storage pool is persistent, the vHBA will also be removed by libvirt when it destroys the storage pool. A vHBA created using the node device driver can be destroyed by the command "virsh nodedev-destroy", for example (assuming that scsi_host6 was created as shown earlier): # virsh nodedev-destroy scsi_host6 Destroying a vHBA removes it just as a reboot would do since the node device driver does not support persistent configurations. 7) Troubleshooting 7.1) Discovery of HBA capable of NPIV prior to 1.0.4 Prior to libvirt 1.0.4, discovery of HBAs capable of NPIV requires checking each of the HBAs on the host for the capability flag "vport_ops", as follows: First you need to find out all the HBA by capability flag "scsi_host": # virsh nodedev-list --cap scsi_host scsi_host0 scsi_host1 scsi_host2 scsi_host3 scsi_host4 scsi_host5 Now check each HBA to find one with the "vport_ops" capability, either one at a time as follows: # virsh nodedev-dumpxml scsi_host3 scsi_host3 pci_0000_00_08_0 3 That says "scsi_host3" doesn't support vHBA # virsh nodedev-dumpxml scsi_host5 scsi_host5 pci_0000_04_00_1 5 2001001b32a9da4e 2101001b32a9da4e 2001000dec9877c1 But "scsi_host5" supports it. NOTE: In addition to libvirt 1.0.4 automating the lookup of HBA's capable of supporting a vHBA configuration, the XML tags "max_vports" and "vports" will describe the maximum vports allowed and the current vports in use. As an alternative and smarter way, you can avoid above cumbersome steps by simple script like: for i in $(virsh nodedev-list --cap scsi_host); do if virsh nodedev-dumpxml $i | grep vport_ops > /dev/null; then echo $i; fi done NOTE: It is possible that node device is named "pci_10df_fe00_scsi_host_0". This is because libvirt supports two backends for the node device driver ("udev" and "HAL"), but they lead to completely different naming styles. The udev backend is preferred over the HAL backend since HAL support is in maintenance mode. The udev backend is more common; however, if your destribution packager built the libvirt binaries without the udev backend, then the more complicated names such as "pci_10df_fe00_scsi_host_0" must be used. 7.2) Creation of a vHBA using the node device driver prior to 0.9.10 For libvirt prior to 0.9.10, you will need to specify the "wwnn" and "wwpn" manually when creating a vHBA, example XML as follows: scsi_host6 scsi_host5 2001001b32a9da5e 2101001b32a9da5e 7.3) Creation of storage pool based on vHBA prior to 1.0.5 Prior to libvirt 1.0.5, one can define a "scsi" type pool based on a vHBA by it's SCSI host name (e.g. "host5" in XML below), using an example XML as follows: poolhba0 e9392370-2917-565e-692b-d057f46512d6 0 0 0 /dev/disk/by-path 0700 0 0 There are two disadvantage of using the SCSI host name as the source adapter. First the SCSI host number is not stable, thus it may cause trouble for your storage pool after a system reboot. Second, the adapter name (e.g. "host5") is not consistent with node device name (e.g. "scsi_host5"). Moreover, using the SCSI host name as the source adapter doesn't allow you to create a vHBA. NOTE: Since 1.0.5, the source adapter name was changed to be consistent with node device name, thus the second disadvantage is destroyed.