Hi ,

I have two virtual machines VM1 and VM2. Then I have added eth0 of  my VM to 'default' network.

Use case :-
I want to monitor all traffic on virbr0('default' network).

Steps followed :-
1. Add VM1 eth0 to virbr0
2. Add VM2 eth1 to virbr0
3. brctl setageing ovsbr0 0 ..(To put bridge in promiscuous)

Now I am running tcpdump on eth1 of VM2 and trying to ping google.com(outside world)

In VM2 (tcpdump -i eth1), I can see only ingress(incoming) traffic of VM1. I am not able see outgoing traffic of VM1.

If I create another bridge and trying same scenario with 2 VM then VM2 can see both ingress and outgress traffic.

So want to know what is the issue?
Is libvirt doing something different with this virtbr0 bridge? 

Sagar Dilip Shedge,
With Regards.