Hi folks,
I'm trying to to attach a disk to an instance using libvirt. The problem is, this disk has external snapshots. The process tried was:
1 - Attach a disk in the domain:
virsh# attach-device instance-00000006 /tmp/disk.xml[1] --live
2 - Snapshot the disk[2]:
virsh# snapshot-create instance-00000006 --quiesce --xmlfile /tmp/snap-from-disk.xml[2] --disk-only
3 - Dump the domain XML and create a new disk file from it:
virsh# dumpxml instance-00000006
... [3]
4 - Dettach the device and re-add it using the new disk file:
virsh# detach-device instance-00000006 /tmp/disk-with-snap.xml[4]
Device detached successfully
virsh# attach-device instance-00000006 /tmp/disk-with-snap.xml
error: Failed to attach device from /tmp/disk-with-snap.xml
error: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'device_add': Property 'virtio-blk-device.drive' can't find value 'drive-virtio-disk1'
Question, is this operation supported? If yes, how is the correct procedure?