I am running lxc via libvirt1.1.1,   the cpu usage is heavy of process libvirt_lxc.

PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S  %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                                                           
 2384 root      20   0 10480 2048 1200 R  99.6  0.1   1291:39 libvirt_lxc                                                                                                       
32157 root      20   0 10448 2032 1200 R  99.3  0.1   1316:02 libvirt_lxc                                                                                                       
28228 root      20   0 10448 2064 1216 R  99.0  0.1   5663:43 libvirt_lxc                                                                                                       
30461 root      20   0 10480 2048 1200 R  98.7  0.1   5663:15 libvirt_lxc 

btw: 0.9.3 is the same ,I googled it , only two reports .

any suggestions ? thx