
I'm trying to connect to a VMware vCenter Server (Version 5.0.0 Build 1300600) using this code:

class CustomConnectAuth extends ConnectAuth {
    CustomConnectAuth() {
        // credType = ...
        // ...
    int callback(Credential[] cred) {
        // ...
        return 0
ConnectAuth auth = new CustomConnectAuth()
Connect conn = new Connect("esx://USERNAME@HOSTNAME/sdk?no_verify=1", auth, 0)

and I've got this error message:

libvirt:  error : unsupported configuration: libvirt was built without the 'esx' driver

If I use the vijava client, the connection works fine.

ServiceInstance serviceInstance = new ServiceInstance(new URL("https://HOSTNAME/sdk"), USERNAME, PASSWORD, true)

Some environment info:

os: Ubuntu 13.10
jdk: 1.7.0_51-b13
Java client: org.libvirt:libvirt:0.5.1

Can you help, please?


Mihai Cazacu
Software Engineer
E-mail: cazacugmihai@gmail.com
Mobile: +40 745 254 657
Linkedin: cazacugmihai 
Skype: cazacugmihai
Twitter: cazacugmihai