I want to create a network like this:

Internet -- physical router -- host (network 192.168.178.x) 

                                          -- virtual machine dmz -- eth0 (connected to pyshical router)

                                                                               -- eth1 (connect to isolated network 10.0.0.x)

                                          -- virtual machine www - eth0 (connect to isolated network 10.0.0.x)

network design

I have a virtual host which is conntected to my physical router with eth0 and ip4 address I create a virtual machine dmz which connects 'direct' to my router via my physical device eth0 on the virtual host:

<network connections='1'>
  <forward dev='eth0' mode='bridge'>
    <interface dev='eth0' connections='1'/>

On my virtual machine i create a second nic eth1 which is connected on a virtual network virbr-local:

  <bridge name='virbr-local' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:92:06:5c'/>
  <domain name='local.box'/>
    <forwarder addr=''/>
  <ip address='' netmask=''>
      <range start='' end=''/>
      <host mac='52:54:00:51:31:86' ip=''/>
  <route address='' prefix='8' gateway=''/>

Now I want to create a second virtual machine which connects to the internet through the virtual machine dmz on the virbr-local subnet. Is there a way to accomplish this kind of setup?

My routing table on the virtual host looks likes this:

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         fritz.box         UG    0      0        0 eth0        *            U     0      0        0 virbr-local       UG    1      0        0 virbr-local   *        U     0      0        0 eth0

But when I want to ping an address from the www virtual machine I get a unreachable network message. I setup a DNAT om the virtual machine dmz. But looking witch tcpdump on eht1 there's no traffic.I appreciate some help to setup the network. I clearly missing something.

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