Thanks Wangkai but libvirt infact pre-configures network tap devices and pre-opens /dev/vhost-net file and passes these to qemu as open, ready to use file descriptors. 

My issue is that my qemu requires that /dev/vhost-net directory is removed and it's kernel module be unloaded. Then it creates a vhost -net device using its own configuration.

On 24 July 2014 07:35, Wangkai (Kevin,C) <> wrote:

For qemu, the default vhost drive file is “/dev/vhost-net”, when you configured vhost on.

Give the command “modprobe vhost-net” to add host kernel support for vhost.

This is cannot controlled by libvirt I think.




From: [] On Behalf Of Asadullah Hussain
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 12:43 AM
Subject: [libvirt-users] vhost-net requested but could not be initialized


I am using a custom qemu to launch a vhost enabled VM. The qemu doesn't use the default "/dev/vhost-net" directory as character device. Due to this I am getting the error:


qemu-system-x86_64: -netdev type=tap,id=net1,script=no,downscript=no,ifname=port3,vhost=on: vhost-net requested but could not be initialized


Is there a way to tell libvirt to avoid using the default /dev/vhost-net file?


I have tried using the pass-through arguments but libvirt still processes the command and throws the error.


PS: I can successfully create a vhost VM using qemu command-line, so this is a libvirt issue.





Asadullah Hussain


Asadullah Hussain