Thank you for your reply.
Actually, the reason I expect that function from libvirt API was I don't want to install agent-like software on VM, which means I was trying to get such information without agent for cloud environment monitoring.
By the way, I have another question about libvirt-java binding API.
Does the API fully support libvirt C API functionally? I've been trying to get VM's current memory/cpu usages and network I/O of individual NICs, but the coding is not easy since the description how to use each libvirt-java binding API in Javadoc is barely sufficient. For example, Domain.memoryStats(int number) seems returning the memory usage or something related to that information, but I really don't know what "number" should be given for the parameter... The return values were even not one result per VM. What does the value exactly mean?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards