
As told in “
Control Groups Resource Management” libvirt page :

Legacy cgroups layout

Prior to libvirt 1.0.5, the cgroups layout created by libvirt was different from that described above, and did not allow for administrator customization. Libvirt used a fixed, 3-level hierarchy libvirt/{qemu,lxc}/$VMNAME which was rooted at the point in the hierarchy where libvirtd itself was located. So if libvirtd was placed at /system/libvirtd.service by systemd, the groups for each virtual machine / container would be located at /system/libvirtd.service/libvirt/{qemu,lxc}/$VMNAME. In addition to this, the QEMU drivers further child groups for each vCPU thread and the emulator thread(s). This leads to a hierarchy that looked like

I’m trying to retrieve this layout :




  +- system


      +- libvirtd.service


           +- libvirt


               +- qemu

               |   |

               |   +- vm1

               |   |   |

               |   |   +- emulator

               |   |   +- vcpu0

               |   |   +- vcpu1

               |   |

               |   +- vm2

               |   |   |

               |   |   +- emulator

               |   |   +- vcpu0

               |   |   +- vcpu1

               |   |

               |   +- vm3

               |       |

               |       +- emulator

               |       +- vcpu0

               |       +- vcpu1



How may I find where systemd has placed libvirtd ?


I use libvirt 0.10.2 on a RHEL6 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64



Thx for help.


J.P. Ribeauville


P: +33.(0).


Puteaux 3 Etage 5  Bureau 4





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