Hi Giuseppe... !  Thanks for the hint. ill try it.

 So from the docs, I'm seeing this:

"As of Fedora 16 there must be a biosboot partition for the bootloader to be installed successfully onto a disk that contains a GPT/GUID partition table, which includes disks initialized by anaconda. This partition may be created with the kickstart option part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1. However, in the case that a disk has an existing biosboot partition, adding a "part biosboot" option is unnecessary."

So maybe you are suggesting that, the Kickstart file needs to define the boot info, because im installing from source and not from an ISO ?

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:50 AM, Giuseppe Scrivano <gscrivan@redhat.com> wrote:
Jay Vyas <jayunit100@gmail.com> writes:

> # The following is the partition information you requested
> # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed
> # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is
> # not guaranteed to work
> # Uncommented by j
> zerombr
> clearpart --all
> autopart
> #ip=
> network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver=
> bootloader --location=mbr --timeout=5 --append="rhgb quiet"
> ....
> %end

in the kickstart file generated by libosinfo for Fedora 20
(osinfo-install-script fedora20), I see this line:

part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1

Could you try adding it to your kickstart file just after "clearpart"?


Jay Vyas