Dear all,

I have been trying to set up the set up Libvirt Sandbox without success.

I want to use virt-sandbox in order to run untrusted programs in a secure environment. I am had no knowledge about virtualization until a couple of days ago, so I am probably doing something wrong.

The scenario is the following: 
Linode instance. OS that I have tried: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14, Fedora 21. Both compiling from source and installing the pre-compiled packages. But I always reach the same error:


$ virt-sandbox -c qemu:///session  /bin/date

Unable to start sandbox: Kernel module dir /lib/modules/3.18.5-x86_64-linode52/kernel does not exist


I have been told by the guys of Linode that:

"The kernels we use are completely compiled and do not utilize modules. In addition, the kernels are loaded from the host rather than the /boot directory"

Any hints to solve this issue? Is the only solution to compile my own kernel?

Also, if I decide to use a service like Linode, AWS, Digital Ocean...then the server that I would be using would be already a virtual server. Is it a problem to run virt-sandbox within a server which is already a virtual server?

Thanks a lot!