

I am having trouble determining if my VM is up or not. Using virsh leads me to believe that the guest OS is not being loaded:


virsh domblkstat guestvm

rd_req 0

rd_bytes 0

wr_req 0

wr_bytes 0

flush_operations 0

rd_total_times 0

wr_total_times 0

flush_total_times 0


The VM state is running when outputting list –all. I think the guest OS is just not booted properly. Trying to bring up a console with virsh console guestvm prints:


Connected to domain guestvm

Escape character is ^]


But then I cannot type anything to the screen  or see any more output.


In my /var/log/libvirt/qemu/domain**/guestvm.log I see no errors. Only the qemu start up command, and a note about redirecting output to console /dev/pts/0.


The VM is a custom built image that has a file system mounted on /dev/vg/guestvm. We have a custom kernel at /var/lib/qemu/bzImage. Running a startup command directly with qemu-system-x86_64 allows me to boot the machine properly and bring up a console using netcat.


The guest does not use grub. I am not sure if something special is needed in my domain configuration to boot the guest inside the VM. Here is my config:


<domain type='qemu'>







    <type arch='i686' machine='pc'>hvm</type>


    <boot dev='hd'/>




    <disk type='block' device='disk'>

      <source dev='/dev/vg/guestvm'/>

      <target dev='sda'/>



    <interface type='network'>

      <source network='default'/>


    <serial type='pty'>

      <target port='0'/>


    <console type='pty'>

      <target type='serial' port='0'/>









Any ideas what could be happening?


