Using libvirt under openstack  I encounter  a problem when launching a VM  with multiple partitions (2 G image) ,
While a single partition  can be launched successfully . The launch is done with  Openstack.

We are using in libvirtd.conf  log_level=1 and log_outputs="1:file:/var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log"
we can see that  in /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log  appear the following error message and the  VM is finally shutdown  :

2014-06-11 14:47:26.166+0000: 12971: error : qemuMonitorIO:614 : internal error End of file from monitor

( file attached below)

   ( VM shutdown seen here)

he host has enough resources( we see no complains)   and the XML of the VM is :

The libvirt version is: 0.10.2

The qemu-kvm version:

From the internet we  could not figure out  a solution to the problem

Any idea what is causing this error and how to overcome ?


Zvi Dubitzky