Coming off of xen environment; still testing with kvm, just a few questions:

1. What is the roadmap for release of qemu-kvm 1.1 and libvirt 0.10.2 for el6, cause I had to compile from upstream to get the latest stuff.
2. Should not virt-manager show the sparsed disk size instead of actual reserved size of a vm?
3. Where is the virsh bash_completion conf.d file from upstream; since el6 rpm for it seems have tab completion built right into virsh shell.
4. Created a disk-only snapshot of a vm CO1 called capture1 but the syntax of blockpulling seems to be opposite from what has been advertised on Fedora and other relative wikis. Check below and the error with first blockpull command.

[root@KVM libvirt]# virsh snapshot-create-as CO1 capture1 "CO1s first snapshot test" --disk-only --atomic

[root@KVM libvirt]# virsh -d 0 blockpull CO1 --path /home/vms/co1.img --bandwidth 500 --base /home/vms/co1.capture1
blockpull: domain(optdata): CO1
blockpull: path(optdata): /home/vms/co1.img
blockpull: bandwidth(optdata): 500
blockpull: base(optdata): /home/vms/co1.capture1
blockpull: found option <domain>: CO1
blockpull: <domain> trying as domain NAME
error: invalid argument: No device found for specified path

[root@KVM libvirt]# virsh -d 0 blockpull --domain CO1 --path /home/vms/co1.capture1  --base /home/vms/co1.img --verbose --wait
blockpull: domain(optdata): CO1
blockpull: path(optdata): /home/vms/co1.capture1
blockpull: base(optdata): /home/vms/co1.img
blockpull: verbose(bool): (none)
blockpull: wait(bool): (none)
blockpull: found option <domain>: CO1
blockpull: <domain> trying as domain NAME
Block Pull: [100 %]
Pull complete

