I am using libvirt with python binding, and I want to connect to a remote host.
I was able to connect after making ssh certificate, but It is not applicable for my project.
So I want to use openAuth() method, but I could not succeed connecting to a remote host using it.

Here is my code 

import libvirt

USER = "root"
PASS = "mypasswd"

def authcb(credentials, user_data):
    for credential in credentials:
        if credential[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME:
            credential[4] = USER
        elif credential[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE:
            credential[4] = PASS
    return 0

auth = [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE], authcb, None]
conn = libvirt.openAuth("qemu+ssh://", auth, 0)

print conn.getHostname()
If there is something wrong, how am I supposed to use it.

If its not the right place to get libvirt-python related help, from where can I get it.
