I'm working on Ubuntu server 11.10 32 bit with libvirt 0.9.2 and
qemu-kvm 0.14.1. I have a user oneadmin:oneadmin who also belongs to
kvm and libvirtd groups. I have set qemu.conf and libvirtd.conf with
user/group oneadmin.
I have disk.0 and deployment.0 files owned by oneadmin. My system
does not support hardware virtualization so I don't have /dev/kvm.
I'm able to start VM with qemu anyways but when issuing the command:
virsh -c qemu:///system create deployment.0
I get:
error: Failed to create domain from deployment.0
error: internal error process exited while connecting to monitor:
13:00:52.354:1291: info: libvirt version: 0.9.2
13:00:52.371: 1291: debug : virCommandHook:1826 : Waiting on parent
for handshake complete on 23
13:00:52.371: 1291: debug : virCommandHook:1842 : Hook is done 0
open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory
failed to initialize KVM: Operation not permitted
"error while connecting to monitor" looks to me as something
permission-related but I tried a lot of combinations between the
qemu and libvirt conf files and nothing worked (yes, I always
restarted the system after every change).
If I start the same image with sudo /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 -hda
disk.img -boot d -m 384 it works