On 10/29/2013 11:03 AM, Shiva Bhanujan wrote:You didn't tell us what distro you are using. There's plenty of rpms,
> Hello,
> Can somebody please point me to documentation regarding installing libvirt
> and the associated drivers from .rpms?
but without that detail, we can't tell you which ones to use.
In the Fedora distro, the daemon is already part of the main Fedora
> If there were a yum repository where I could download the daemon and the
> drives, that'd be great? Any advice would be appreciated.
repository. You can also use the fedora-virt-preview repo to use the
latest virt stack while still sticking to a stable release (ie. right
now, that provides rawhide's libvirt 1.1.3 on top of Fedora 19, instead
of being stuck at 1.0.5).
If you are using something like RHEL, then contact your vendor. If you
are using something like CentOS, then you get to enjoy the consequences
of a distro with no formal support.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org