On 08/27/2015 02:48 PM, Spanky Horawitz wrote:
Lesson learned.  I think I had the same IP address assigned to my VM router as I did the Host.

Ah, I should have read this response first, but I assumed it was just a duplicate message without looking at the content (happens a lot when someone sends mail to both libvirt-users and libvir-list, so I kind of expect it).

As long as you don't care that the guests can reach the host if they really want to, and you have the guest IP configuration done manually, this won't be a problem. If you're really pedantic about isolating the guests from the host and/or need them to get their IP address from DHCP, then you'll need to do what I described in the other message.

Side question: where are the virtual networks stored when you create them w/VM Manager?

They are stored in /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks, but you should never access/modify those files directly. Instead, use "virsh net-dumpxml $netname" to look at the config of a network, and "virsh net-edit $netname" to modify it (or variations of "virsh net-update $netname..." to make some changes that can be done without shutting down/restarting the network).