[root@vmoactive02 qemu]# virsh help migrate
migrate - migrate domain to another host
migrate [--live] [--p2p] [--direct] [--tunnelled] [--persistent] [--undefinesource] [--suspend] [--copy-storage-all] [--copy-storage-inc] <domain> <desturi> [<migrateuri>] [<dname>]
Migrate domain to another host. Add --live for live migration.
--live live migration
--p2p peer-2-peer migration
--direct direct migration
--tunnelled tunnelled migration
--persistent persist VM on destination
--undefinesource undefine VM on source
--suspend do not restart the domain on the destination host
--copy-storage-all migration with non-shared storage with full disk copy
--copy-storage-inc migration with non-shared storage with incremental copy (same base image shared between source and destination)
[--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid
[--desturi] <string> connection URI of the destination host
[--migrateuri] <string> migration URI, usually can be omitted
[--dname] <string> rename to new name during migration (if supported)