We manage hypervisors (VMWare ESXi/vCenter, KVM, XEN, Hyper-V) by remote
Libvirt API, in our case we need to get the host uptime via the same
libvirt interface. Is there a way get this info now for all the
aforementioned hypervisor types?
The APIs virConnectGetSysinfo(), virNodeGetInfo() provide host info but it doesn't include the system uptime.
virNodeGetCPUStats() can returns CPU usage in nanosecond, can we add
the user + system + idle + iowait to calculate the system uptime? Looks
like the sum value has a huge gap with the real uptime value returned by
"uptime" CLI.
virsh # nodecpustats
user: 2985046540000000
system: 1368209710000000
idle: 388018933920000000
iowait: 43371960000000