
I'm trying to control the name of the 'tap0' device that gets created as I start a domain that uses bridged networking. The XML specification of the domain contains the following configuration

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='br0'/>

The libvirt documentation (http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsNICSBridge) and other discussions online tell me that I just need to include the <target dev='desired_dev_name'/> tag in the XML specification of the domain under the <interface> tag. Unfortunately doing so appears to have no effect; the tun device created and 'enslaved' in the bridge is still called 'tap0'. Interestingly, I never get a tun device with a name prefixed by 'vnet' or 'vif' which, according to the documentation, is the default behaviour (?). The host is running CentOS 7, and virsh is used to start the domain.
