

I wrote a C program running in a KVM host.

Part of it adds a Unix Channel device in all Guests in order to  have a dialog from Host to Guest.

As long as my host wasn’t part of an Ovirt cluster , all was running fine.



I added my host in a ovirt cluster , and then , when running the script creating the channel device  ( by  using  “virsh attach-device  --persistent –live …..” ) , I got following error :


Please enter your authentication name:

Please enter your password:

error: failed to connect to the hypervisor

error: no valid connection

error: authentication failed: Failed to step SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1): generic failure: All-whitespace username.)



What’s the user/password I’ve to use then ?



BTW , I’ve seen that following channel device was  added to the Guest at its creation :




What’s used for ?

I presume I cannot use for my private purpose ?


I sent this topic to ovirt  and libvirt mailing lists , cos I don’t know which forum is the right one for this kind of subject.



Thanks for help.





J.P. Ribeauville


P: +33.(0).


Puteaux 3 Etage 5  Bureau 4





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