2013/1/14 Michael Beham <beham08@gmail.com>

I´m testing to start a KVM-VM with different CPU settings and I get an weird error when I use the parameter: <cpu mode='host-model'> !!
I have a AMD Opteron 4280 CPU, but in the VM, proc/cpuinfo shows me, that I´m using Intel core2duo cpu model T7700 and in the flag-line of proc/cpu the system is listing the svm-flag of AMD?!?! If I use <cpu mode='host-passthrough'> I get the right CPU-model listed in the VM!

Anyone an idea why I get the wrong information with host-model?

BTW some further information about used versions:
LibVirt version is 0.9.12
qemu-kvm 1.0
Kernel 3.3.2

Libvirt does not model every aspect of each CPU so the guest CPU will not match the host CPU exactly.
     With this mode, the CPU visible to the guest should be exactly the same as the host CPU even in the aspects that libvirt does not understand.  
(from http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsCPU)