
Does anyone know of a way to get around this problem.  I have several long running VMs running on an Ubuntu 14.10 host and for some reason I am getting errors when trying to migrate them to another host.  If I restart the VM then the problem does not exist, however for various reasons that is not an option with the remaining VMs.

root@comp001:~# /root/bin/vm_migrate.sh ws001 comp003
virsh migrate --live --persistent --tunneled --p2p --unsafe --domain ws001 --desturi qemu+tcp://comp003/system

error: internal error: No <source> 'bridge' attribute specified with <interface type='bridge'/>

I have eventually figure out that the problem is not with the XML definitions for the host, but is related to the details of the network interfaces assigned to the host as output by the virsh domiflist command.

The question I need to resolve is how do I populate the missing Source information.

Any help gratefully appreciated.

Kind regards

Carl Taylor

root@comp001:~# libvirtd --version
libvirtd (libvirt) 1.2.8

root@comp001:~# virsh domiflist --inactive ws001
Interface  Type       Source     Model       MAC
-          network    br300      virtio      52:54:00:62:9b:20
-          network    br201      virtio      52:54:00:f0:73:85
-          network    default    virtio      52:54:00:69:b1:e5

root@comp001:~# virsh domiflist ws001
Interface  Type       Source     Model       MAC
vnet18     bridge     -          virtio      52:54:00:62:9b:20
vnet19     bridge     -          virtio      52:54:00:f0:73:85
vnet20     network    default    virtio      52:54:00:69:b1:e5