I have a remote ubuntu server on which I have a kvm hypervisor installed.

Now, on my ubuntu desktop, I create a new connection with virt-manager and start a remote guest.

The guest successfully starts, however I can't see it in the console and, on client side, I get that remote user closed it.

Looking at the /var/log/libvirtd on the server side I get that error:
"failed to send audit message operation not permitted"

I tried to call
"virsh console myDomain"
on the remote server and what I get is that the console freezes.

The log is always the same, operation not permitted. Here's the complete one:
2014-04-17 18:26:26.532+0000: 2985: warning : virAuditSend:135 : Failed to send audit message virt=kvm op=stop reason=destroyed vm="dhcpVPN" uuid=929bac48-b87c-9f6f-156a-5c066bf36085 vm-pid=-1: Operation not permitted

Where the problem could be?
