On 02/20/2012 06:32 AM, Peter Krempa wrote:
This patch modifies the libvirt-guests init script to enable
shiutdown on guest machines and gets rid of error messages if the client
is unable connect to the URI specified in the config file.
Simultaneous shutdown of machines may speed up the shutdown process as the shutdown
of guests often consists of timeouts and storage un-intensive tasks. Simultaneous resume
of machines was already supported, although not documented well enough.
This patch also checks if connection to the URI can be done, and prints a error
message if it's not the case. This get's rid of unrelevant and repeated error
(Stupid English, for being inconsistent on whether un- or ir- negates a
word :)
if the URI is unreachable.
The last improvement is while using managed-save. Transient domains are excluded
from the save sequence to get rid of error messages and a list of domains that are left
behind is printed.
Please tell me your suggestions how to improve this, as I'm not a bash "native
Actually, we want this to be stricter than bash, since people are using
libvirt-guests on debian-based systems where /bin/sh is dash. But no
fears - I'm fluent in shell.
I find it helpful to document ALL shell functions; it makes maintenance
easier down the road (it doesn't help that we haven't been doing this in
the rest of the file). Here, it looks like you are doing:
# test_connect URI
# check if URI is reachable
test_connect() {
+ uri=$1
+ run_virsh "$uri" connect 2>/dev/null
Any reason for the two spaces?
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ eval_gettext "Can't connect to \$uri. Skipping."
+ echo
+ return 1
+ fi
+# "persistent" argument options:
+# yes: list only persistent guests
+# no: list only transient guests
+# all: list both persistent and transient guests
list_guests() {
Here, I would use:
# list_guests URI PERSISTENT
prior to the documentation of valid PERSISTENT values.
+ persistent=$2
list=$(run_virsh_c "$uri" list)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
@@ -89,12 +106,19 @@ list_guests() {
for id in $(echo "$list" | awk 'NR > 2 {print $1}'); do
- uuid=$(run_virsh_c "$uri" dominfo "$id" | awk
'/^UUID:/{print $2}')
Remind me again why we are doing an inefficient shell loop? In fact,
why were we using 'dominfo | awk' to convert id to uuid? It's faster to
use 'run_virsh_c "$uri" virsh domuuid $id" to get the same
Taking it one step further, I'd rather see us enhance 'virsh list' to
give us what we want up front. That is, I think it would be nice to
have 'virsh list { [--table] | --uuid | --name | --id } ...', where
--table is default (for back-compat), but listing --uuid, --name, or
--id drops the header line, and lists just one identifier per line
rather than a full table. Also, I'd also like to see 'virsh list {
[--running] | --all | --inactive | --persistent | --transient } ...';
that is, we ought to have virsh list fine-tune which domains it lists,
by adding new options such as --persistent and --transient.
By improving virsh, we could skip out on the awk loop altogether, and
have the initial virsh list give us what we want in the first place.
- if [ -z "$uuid" ]; then
+ dominfo=$(run_virsh_c "$uri" dominfo "$id")
+ uuid=$(echo "$dominfo" | awk '/^UUID:/{print $2}')
+ dompersist=$(echo "$dominfo" | awk '/^Persistent:/{print
This sets $dompersist to yes or no,...
+ if [ -z "$uuid" ] || [ -z "$dompersist" ]; then
return 1
- uuids="$uuids $uuid"
+ if [ "$persistent" == "$dompersist" ] ||
For portability to dash, you must use '=', not '==', inside [].
+ [ "$persistent" == "all" ]; then
+ uuids="$uuids $uuid"
...if persistent is 'all', then you wasted an awk call above for a
result you don't care about, since you plan on using the uuid anyway.
Again, more reason to have virsh list give us what we want in the first
+ uri=$1
+ guest=$2
+ name=$(guest_name "$uri" "$guest")
+ label=$(eval_gettext "Starting shutdown on guest: \$name")
+ echo $label
Missing quotes around $label. Probably simpler to just:
name=$(guest_name "$uri" "$guest")
eval_gettext "Starting shutdown on guest: \$name"
+ retval run_virsh "$uri" shutdown "$guest"
>/dev/null || return
No need for the ||return - since this is the last statement in the
function, you will return anyway, with the same status.
+ item=$1
+ items=$2
+ echo "$items $item"
Should you be checking for duplicates before adding into a set? I'm not
sure without reviewing further to see how this is used. Also, this
particular usage requires that the user capture the output of the shell
function using $(), which wastes a subshell; there are tricks for
passing the name of a variable which holds a set, where you can then
modify the variable in place with fewer forks, but I don't think we're
at the point where optimizing a few forks will help matters.
+ item=$1
+ items=$2
+ newitems=
+ for nit in $items; do
+ if [ "$nit" != "$domain" ]; then
Where did "$domain" come from? Don't you instead mean to be comparing
against "$item"?
+ newitems="$newitems $nit"
The resulting $newitems will always have a leading space, even if $items
on entry did not. Is that intentional?
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$newitems"
+ items=$1
+ count="0"
+ for item in $items; do
+ count=$((count+1))
It's slightly more portable to do $(($count+1)). But even that is slow;
why not let the shell do it for you:
set_count() {
set -- $1
echo $#
+ done
+ echo $count
+ items=$1
+ for item in $items; do
+ echo $item
+ return 0
+ done
I sure hope that the sets you are using have no whitespace or glob
characters (that is, a set of domain ids or uuids is safe, a set of
domain names or of URIs is not).
+ uri=$1
+ domains=$2
+ newlist=
+ for dom in $domains; do
+ guest_is_on "$uri" "$dom" 2>&1 > /dev/null ||
Do you really want to break out of the entire for loop on the first
guest where you encounter failure? Also, this redirection looks fishy -
it says 'make the error output of guest_is_on go to my stdout, and
discard the normal output of guest_is_on'. Did you mean '>/dev/null
2>&1' which says to discard both output and error messages from guest_is_on?
+ if "$guest_running"; then
+ newlist="$newlist $dom"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "$newlist"
I ran out of time to finish my review today, but hope this gives you
some things to think about.
Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library