Martin, et al,
Sorry for the lag in response.
So I started playing with the various virsh commands. Awesome.
Been doing some reading and I believe I have some things configured not so well.
As I stated earlier in the thread, we have all of the VM image files on one RAID5. Very fast machine.
When using top, the load average is a stable "5.xx". No I/O wait. GB's of free memory. Swap has not been touched.
Using vmstat, I am writing to the RAID5 volume at a constant 150MB/s and reading at a constant 275MB/s.
With all of that said, here are some results from virsh commands:
# virsh pool-list --all
Name State Autostart
default active yes
# virsh pool-info default
Name: default
UUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
State: running
Persistent: yes
Autostart: yes
Capacity: 30.76 GiB
Allocation: 2.10 GiB
Available: 28.66 GiB
Now, is that ok to have all of the VM's using a default pool?
Or should a pool be created for each VM instance.
I honestly am not even sure what a pool references...?...
The more I read, the more I am moving away from thinking something in the OS is the cause of my sluggishness.
Many thanks in advance,